A Note to the Non-Existent Readers of This Site

To anyone who stumbles across this site, an obvious question would be “Why does this exist?”

The purpose of this site is primarily to give me an outlet and an impetus to regularly write. I chose to write about technology since it interests me and is a broad field with many products, plots, and players. It is also something I follow generally due to working in Information Technology for years.

This site will never compete with the top players in technology reporting. I am not a journalist and have neither the skill nor the stamina to offer full featured coverage of this expansive industry.

There are plenty of great sources to keep up with technology news and progress, and realistically I don’t expect to gain a readership other than the occasional friend, relative, or co-worker. One benefit of this lack of an audience is I can do some experimentation.

What can you, the mythical, as of yet non-existent reader of this blog expect? I will likely start writing up small reviews of the apps and services I use. I can then give them to people who ask what I use and why for various tasks. I will also post small pieces about tech happenings that interest me, and I hope to start creating headline/aggregation posts sending you to the publications and pieces that interest me.

Let’s go.